Tools to handle representations of geographic coordinates

Functionality to convert between different representations of geo-coordinates.

In particular, we support conversion of coordinates in the notation used for the World Atlas of Language Structures, e.g. (12d10N, 92d49E), to floating point latitude and longitude values.

class clldutils.coordinates.Coordinates(lat, lon, format='alnum')[source]

A (lat, lon) pair, that can be represented in various formats.

>>> c = Coordinates('13dN', 0)
>>> assert c.latitude >= 13
>>> assert c.latitude <= 13.1
>>> c = Coordinates(0, 0)
>>> assert c.lat_to_string() == '0dN'
>>> assert c.lon_to_string() == '0dE'
>>> c = Coordinates(12.17, 92.83)
>>> assert c.lat_to_string() == '12d10N'
>>> assert c.lon_to_string() == '92d49E'
>>> c = Coordinates(-12.17, -92.83)
>>> assert c.lat_to_string() == '12d10S'
>>> c.lat_to_string(format=None)
'12° 10′ 12″ S'
>>> c.lat_to_string(format='ascii')
>>> assert c.lon_to_string() == '92d49W'
>>> lat, lon = '12d30N', '60d30E'
>>> c = Coordinates(lat, lon)
>>> assert c.lat_to_string() == lat
>>> assert c.lon_to_string() == lon
clldutils.coordinates.dec2degminsec(dec, no_seconds=False)[source]

convert a floating point number of degrees to a triple (int degrees, int minutes, float seconds)

>>> assert dec2degminsec(30.50) == (30, 30, 0.0)

no_seconds (bool) –

Return type:

typing.Tuple[float, float, float]

clldutils.coordinates.degminsec2dec(degrees, minutes, seconds)[source]

convert a triple (int degrees, int minutes, float seconds) to a floating point number of degrees

>>> assert dec2degminsec(degminsec2dec(30,30,0.0)) == (30,30,0.0)
Return type:


clldutils.coordinates.degminsec(dec, hemispheres, no_seconds=False)[source]
>>> degminsec(2.4, 'NS')
>>> degminsec(1.249, 'NS', no_seconds=True)
  • hemispheres (str) –

  • no_seconds (bool) –

Return type:
