Source code for clldutils.jsonlib

This module provides small tools to make reading and writing JSON data simpler. The standard
library's `json` module does all the heavy lifting here, but some shortcomings are addressed.

One of these shortcomings is missing support for `datetime` objects. This can be remedied using the
functions :func:`format` and :func:`parse` as follows:

.. code-block:: python

    >>> from datetime import datetime
    >>> from clldutils.jsonlib import parse, format
    >>> from json import JSONEncoder, loads, dumps
    >>> class DateTimeEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    ...     def default(self, obj):
    ...         return format(obj)
    >>> dumps({'start':, 'end': 5}, cls=DateTimeEncoder)
    '{"start": "2022-12-15T14:32:45.637522", "end": 5}'
    >>> parse(json.loads(json.dumps({'start':, 'end': 5}, cls=DateTimeEncoder)))
    {'start': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 15, 14, 33, 17, 323973), 'end': 5}
import re
import json
import pathlib
import datetime
import contextlib
import collections
import typing

import dateutil.parser

__all__ = ['parse', 'format', 'dump', 'load', 'update', 'update_ordered']

DATETIME_ISO_FORMAT = re.compile(r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]+')

[docs]def parse(d: dict) -> dict: """ Convert iso formatted timestamps found as values in the dict d to datetime objects. .. note:: This works with nested `dict`s and `list` values, too. .. code-block:: python >>> parse({"start": {'from': "2022-12-15T14:32:45.637522", 'to': 7}})['start']['from'] datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 15, 14, 32, 45, 637522) >>> parse({"start": ["2022-12-15T14:32:45.637522"]})['start'][0] datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 15, 14, 32, 45, 637522) :return: A shallow copy of d with converted timestamps. """ res = {} for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and DATETIME_ISO_FORMAT.match(v): v = dateutil.parser.parse(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): v = parse(v) elif isinstance(v, list): v = [ dateutil.parser.parse(vv) if isinstance(vv, str) and DATETIME_ISO_FORMAT.match(vv) else vv for vv in v] res[k] = v return res
[docs]def format(value): """ Format a value as ISO timestamp if it is a instance, otherwise return it unchanged. """ if isinstance(value, (, datetime.datetime)): return value.isoformat() return value
[docs]def dump(obj, path: typing.Union[typing.TextIO, str, pathlib.Path], **kw): """`json.dump` which understands filenames. :param obj: The object to be dumped. :param path: The path of the JSON file to be written. :param kw: Keyword parameters are passed to json.dump """ if isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.Path)): with pathlib.Path(path).open('w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: return json.dump(obj, fp, **kw) return json.dump(obj, path, **kw)
[docs]def load(path: typing.Union[typing.TextIO, str, pathlib.Path], **kw): """`json.load` which understands filenames. :param kw: Keyword parameters are passed to json.load :return: The python object read from path. """ if isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.Path)): with pathlib.Path(path).open(encoding='utf-8') as fp: return json.load(fp, **kw) return json.load(path, **kw)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def update(path, default=None, load_kw=None, **kw): """ An update-able JSON file .. code-block:: python >>> with update('/tmp/t.json', default={}) as o: ... o['x'] = 5 ... >>> load('/tmp/t.json')['x'] 5 """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if not path.exists(): if default is None: raise ValueError('path does not exist') res = default else: res = load(path, **(load_kw or {})) yield res dump(res, path, **kw)
def update_ordered(path, **kw): return update( path, default=collections.OrderedDict(), load_kw=dict(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict), **kw)