Source code for clldutils.misc

This module provides miscellaneous utility functions, including backports of newer Python
functionality (:func:`lazyproperty`), formatting functions, etc.

import re
import base64
import string
import typing
import pathlib
import warnings
import mimetypes
import unicodedata

__all__ = [
    'data_url', 'log_or_raise', 'nfilter', 'to_binary', 'dict_merged', 'NoDefault', 'NO_DEFAULT',
    'xmlchars', 'format_size', 'UnicodeMixin', 'slug', 'encoded', 'lazyproperty',

def deprecated(msg):
    warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
    warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning)

[docs]def data_url(content: typing.Union[bytes, str, pathlib.Path], mimetype: str = None) -> str: """ Returns content encoded as base64 Data URI. Useful to include (smallish) media resources in HTML pages. :param content: bytes or str or Path :param mimetype: mimetype of the content :return: `str` object (consisting only of ASCII, though) .. seealso:: """ if isinstance(content, pathlib.Path): if not mimetype: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type([0] with'rb') as fp: content = else: if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode('utf8') return "data:{0};base64,{1}".format( mimetype or 'application/octet-stream', base64.b64encode(content).decode())
[docs]def log_or_raise(msg: str, log=None, level='warning', exception_cls=ValueError): """ Utility for check procedures. If `log` is `None`, this works like `pytest -x`, otherwise the issue is just logged with the appropriate level. .. code-block:: python >>> from clldutils.misc import log_or_raise >>> log_or_raise("there's a problem") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: there's a problem >>> import logging >>> log_or_raise("there's a problem", log=logging.getLogger(__name__)) there's a problem """ if log: getattr(log, level)(msg) else: raise exception_cls(msg)
[docs]def nfilter(seq: typing.Iterable) -> list: """Replacement for python 2's filter(None, seq). :return: a list filtered from seq containing only truthy items. """ return [e for e in seq if e]
[docs]def to_binary(s: typing.Union[str, bytes], encoding='utf8') -> bytes: """Cast function. :param s: object to be converted to bytes. """ return s if isinstance(s, bytes) else bytes(s, encoding=encoding)
[docs]def dict_merged(d, _filter=None, **kw): """ Update dictionary d with the items passed as kw if the value passes _filter. .. code-block:: python >>> from clldutils.misc import dict_merged >>> dict_merged({'a': 1}, b=2, c=3, _filter=lambda v: v > 2) {'a': 1, 'c': 3} """ def f(s): if _filter: return _filter(s) return s is not None d = d or {} for k, v in kw.items(): if f(v): d[k] = v return d
class NoDefault(object): def __repr__(self): return '<NoDefault>' #: A singleton which can be used to distinguish no-argument-passed from None passed as #: argument in callables with optional arguments. NO_DEFAULT = NoDefault()
[docs]def xmlchars(text: str) -> str: """Not all of UTF-8 is considered valid character data in XML ... Thus, this function can be used to remove illegal characters from ``text``. .. seealso:: `<>`_ """ invalid = list(range(0x9)) invalid.extend([0xb, 0xc]) invalid.extend(range(0xe, 0x20)) return re.sub('|'.join('\\x%0.2X' % i for i in invalid), '', text)
[docs]def format_size(num: int) -> str: """Format byte-sizes for human readability. Cf. the `-h` option of the `du` command: -h, --human-readable print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) :param num: Size given as number of bytes. .. seealso:: `<>`_ """ for x in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']: if num < 1024.0 and num > -1024.0: return "%3.1f%s" % (num, x) num /= 1024.0 return "%3.1f%s" % (num, 'TB')
class UnicodeMixin(object): """Portable label mixin.""" def __unicode__(self): """a human readable label for the object.""" return '%s' % self # pragma: no cover def __str__(self): """a human readable label for the object, appropriately encoded (or not).""" deprecated("Use of deprecated class UnicodeMixin! Use object instead.") return self.__unicode__()
[docs]def slug(s: str, remove_whitespace: bool = True, lowercase: bool = True) -> str: """ Condenses a string to contain only (lowercase) alphanumeric characters. .. code-block:: python >>> from clldutils.misc import slug >>> slug('Some words!') 'somewords' >>> slug('Some words!', lowercase=False) 'Somewords' >>> slug('Some words!', remove_whitespace=False) 'some words' """ res = ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn') if lowercase: res = res.lower() for c in string.punctuation: res = res.replace(c, '') res = re.sub(r'\s+', '' if remove_whitespace else ' ', res) res = res.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') assert re.match('[ A-Za-z0-9]*$', res) return res
[docs]def encoded(string: typing.Union[str, bytes], encoding='utf-8') -> bytes: """Cast string to bytes in a specific encoding - with some guessing about the encoding. :param encoding: encoding which the object is forced to """ assert isinstance(string, (str, bytes)) if isinstance(string, str): return string.encode(encoding) try: # make sure the string can be decoded in the specified encoding ... string.decode(encoding) return string except UnicodeDecodeError: # ... if not use latin1 as best guess to decode the string before encoding as # specified. return string.decode('latin1').encode(encoding)
[docs]class lazyproperty(object): """Non-data descriptor caching the computed result as instance attribute. .. code-block:: python >>> class Spam(object): ... @lazyproperty ... def eggs(self): ... return 'spamspamspam' >>> spam=Spam(); spam.eggs 'spamspamspam' >>> spam.eggs='eggseggseggs'; spam.eggs 'eggseggseggs' >>> Spam().eggs 'spamspamspam' >>> Spam.eggs # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...lazyproperty object at 0x...> .. note:: Since Python 3.8 added the `functools.cached_property` decorator (see `<>`_), this function will be deprecated once Python 3.7 is no longer supported. """ def __init__(self, fget): self.fget = fget for attr in ('__module__', '__name__', '__doc__'): setattr(self, attr, getattr(fget, attr)) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self result = instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = self.fget(instance) return result